Have you ever wondered why people talk about the "yellow" school bus? This has always blown my mind a bit because it's not yellow! I have never ridden, nor seen a yellow one. Even from kindergarten I was a rebel on this point, carefully selecting the Crayola yellow-orange crayon to color my school buses. Now I realize Crayola has probably renamed this color mango, summer sunrise, or some other creative name, but most of you know the exact color to which I'm referring. It's a much closer fit and in my opinion, the correct color is much closer to orange than it is yellow, anyway. I think most don't put as much thought into it as I have and have just bought into our culture's labels of things (ex. We park in driveways and drive on parkways. What is that about?), but You Know What? This happens to be one of the many random subjects I have spent time pondering and wanted to share. I can guarantee if I ever do have children, I will assure them it's ok to be different and use the right crayon! What color was your school bus?