Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Frog vs. Toad

During one of my weekend stays at my sister's mountain top house, a friend and I had walked out on the porch to find a toad sitting in the driveway.  Upon us moving closer, stomping around, and poking at it with a stick (yes, it was a funny scene), the toad did not move at all.  We were joking that it was fearless and definitely not a frog--her previous experiences proved frogs are jumpy!  After some of our conversation that night, I told her she was a toad, firm in her decisions.  Although we said all of this in jest, I really wouldn't mind having that innate attitude of fearlessness.  Of course, I don't desire to make stupid decisions, but want to be in tune with the Holy Spirit and trust His guidance.  Fear can hold us back from so many things in this life and certainly keeps us from the freedom our Creator wants to give us daily.  You Know What?  As I grow in my walk, I would be happy for someone to call me a's not an insult to me at all (unless you are referring to bumpy skin..see older post, My Pore Face)!  By the way, toads can't give you warts, so you can still be my friend. 


Debbie Barth said...

Pam was right. While you young and beautiful, you are wiser than your 28 years. Great post!

PS. I'd rather be a toad as well, :o)

Debbie Barth

rosie said...

Toads are seen as ugly and often folks do not go beyond what they see. Isn't that so often the case with folks? We see, we assume, we react not communicating, not asking questions, not listening...
Yet, Frogs are used to scare others, more common and yet gourmet in fine dining.
So, not sure, the non conformist in me loves being a toad. Yet, when I am compulsive, I am a natural frog.
But since they both probably eat flies I guess I need to be the best of both. Does that mean I need meds? Ha, thanks for this great post and lots of success with your blogging. You are doing just fine.

Debra Stokes said...

Wow, Abby!
I'd rather be a toad, too! Pam was right about your "youthful wisdom".
Looking forward to your next discovery.

Debbie Stevens said...

Abby, your lovely rendition has given me a new-found respect for toads :)

What a mind you have!
God bless...

Beverly Mahone said...

After just hearing a sermon that was somehat related, I think I'm going to say I want to be a frog because i want to jump when God says move. Too many folks sit around like toads even when God is speaking so they tend to miss out. I think the key is being able to discern God's voice and knowing when to move.

Wow Rosie! Your post was deep!!!

Eileen Williams said...

Frogs may be cute and appealing ala Kermit, but I'd rather be a toad any day!

Vicki M. Taylor said...

What a great comparison. I guess I'm a little of both. As a frog, I tend be manic and compulsive at times and then when my depressive cycle hits, I'm more like the toad. I never thought of it that way before. Gee, I wonder what my therapist would think of that? :-)

Thanks for the smiles!