Saturday, October 3, 2009

Joy Comes in the Mourning

One of the many tough things about getting "older" is learning more deeply about the hard stuff of life. When I was younger, I always used to think of mourning as grief over someone dying. I now understand there are many more things to grieve over and mourn the loss of--dreams, friendships, relationships, life seasons, health, jobs, pets, and the list goes on. As I watch some of those close to me going through hard and hurtful battles and experience some of my own, I pray that all of us can find the peace and joy that can only come through the Lord in the midst of these times. 

Several years ago I boarded an airplane and ended up taking off in a horrible storm. As we kept climbing elevation, we pulled through the thick layer of clouds only to see a magnificent sunset above. For the first time it hit me that the sun is always shining, even in the worst of weather. It's no less bright and warm when clouds are in the way or the orbit pattern makes it night at our place on the planet. You Know What? It's the same way through our nasty days/weeks/seasons, except the Son is our Creator and Friend. He's always there and never-changing, even when we can't see Him or feel His presence close.  So like Psalm 30:5 says, "weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning". You can be thankful that you, as a believer, will ultimately have victory over every trial in this life and will experience the epitome of joy--Almighty God, Himself. In the meantime, look for the little things that you can find joy through, because you absolutely have the opportunity to find joy in the mourning, whatever that means in your journey. Besides, I will take sunshine over dark and dreary any day. Wouldn't you?


Pam Archer said...

Your name means "source of joy"; not a coincidence, but a God-Incidence are you!

Debra Stokes said...

Sweet Abby! How God is shining through you! I found great comfort in your words and I pray you are able to hear your own voice.
All the best,
Your Diva Aunt Debra Stokes