Friday, October 16, 2009

Are you Green?

"Go green" has become such a catch phrase in our culture that sometimes it's a ridiculous marketing ploy. A certain lingerie store sells "green" tote bags...they're cotton for heaven's sake, of course they are natural. While I think some have carried it a bit far, I do happen to be an advocate of some green behavior. In my opinion, some measures are just an act of basic responsibility, like not littering (this does include cigarette butts, by the way, but that's another entry). Recycling and reusing products, using energy saving appliances and light bulbs, and carpooling are examples of other ways to be environmentally respectful. Like every other kind of lifestyle change, these things take time to become habit but it is certainly possible and very rewarding. In the past 2 years, I have drastically reduced my weekly trash down to one small bag because of all the paper, plastic, aluminum, and cardboard I recycle. Granted, I live inside the city and they pick it up for free, which makes it easy on me. On the other hand, I'm on too tight of a budget to buy all new appliances, I hate flourescent light (it does nothing for anyone's coloring), and I enjoy driving fast when I get the chance. You Know What, though? I think if everyone made small changes in the way they do things and pick a couple of extra measures to "go green", it would end up having a huge impact. So my challenge is a responsible resident of this planet and choose a way that you can be more green. It's not as hard or as cheesy as it sounds.

1 comment:

Pam Archer said...

Another responsible blog post.

I'm trying to be more eco friendly and aware of ways to save and go green. You make some valid points.